Texas A&M Cybercenter
Texas A&M Cyber Range


The Texas Cyber Range uses the ITSM platform ServiceNow to handle and process ticketing requests.

By clicking here you will be redirected to your email account with txcr-support@tamu.edu as the recipient.

Fill out the email as you typically would, hit send, and your email will be processed by ServiceNow.

A ticket receipt will be emailed to you detailing your issue.

A cyber range representative will assist you until the issue is fixed within 24 hours given working hours.

Important Notes

  • Make sure to be as detailed as possible when describing your issue.
  • You can email support 24/7 but be patient as the staff are students and will get to you as soon as possible.
  • Avoid contacting the staff personally and only use the support email when resolving an issue.